


My story is like so many others that I’ve met here.  I was not a church member for over 45 years of my life. In fact, I came to this church weary and apprehensive of the term church. Many of us know, the first thing you are asked around here is, “What church do you… more “Erica”


Angie Drake

Angie Drake

Over the course of my time here at AUUC, I have taught Religious Exploration, sung with the Principle Singers, served as chair of RE and of the Membership Committee, and been on the Board of Trustees as Member-at-Large, Secretary, President-Elect and President. I’ve also served on various ad hoc committees like Strategic Planning, the Committee… more “Angie Drake”

Angie Drake

Julie Evonna

Julie Evonna

Why do I belong to AUUC? It’s really quite simple for me, because our covenant with each other begins and ends with: Love is the doctrine of this church. You are my chosen community, my village. In this church, we love with courage, with strength, with screw ups and mistakes, and we continue to love.… more “Julie Evonna”

Julie Evonna

Sandy Hochel

Sandy Shochel

I have been a member of this church since 2013. Before this I was a member of the Augusta UU church for about 30 years so I have been a UU for quite a while. Being a Unitarian Universalist is something that I consider central to who I am. I am so proud of this… more “Sandy Hochel”

Sandy Hochel

Janeth Welch

Janeth Welch

I always search out a UU community when re-locating to a new place and I have found salvation, deep friendships, welcoming hearts, and spiritual comfort in all the varied communities I have been a part of. This community here in Aiken has been one of the most friendly and surprising ones. Despite its size it… more “Janeth Welch”

Janeth Welch

Linda Warren

Linda Warren

Aiken UU makes it possible for us to lean into the strength and vision of this congregation and this faith to find our balance and build our hope, so that we can move into a frightening world with faith, courage, and the strength of many. I firmly believe the life of a congregation is about building… more “Linda Warren”

Linda Warren