
Light and Enlightenment

Jesus said, once in the gospels, “I am the light of the world”. But several times he also said “YOU are the light of the world”. And now quantum physicists say he was literally right. What exactly did he mean by that? What does it mean, in the light of modern science, to be the … more

The Search for Meaning

Let’s take a look at what some of the world’s philosophers say about our search for meaning. Are we searching for meaning? We seem to try to affix meaning to the events of our lives, where does the need come from and what can we learn from the need to search.

The Road to Wholeness

We tend to think that when we set ourselves on the right path and we start making an effort toward doing better, things will go smoother because we are no longer lost. We are finally found and headed in the right direction, right? Wrong! the road to wholeness is hard it is not even paved … more