
AUUC Expresses Gratitude for Erika Bolin, our new Kiva facilitator

Erika will now manage our Kiva account, selecting worthy causes to receive funding to support the success of others. Thank you to Erika and all AUUC volunteers for their continued efforts to be the change.


What is Kiva?

“Kiva is an international nonprofit, founded in 2005 and based in San Francisco, with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. We celebrate and … more

Puppet Play!


With your generous financial support, we can take a stand for justice, love, and peace, and make this a better world. Thank you. You can pay for registration, make a donation, or make a pledge payment, here using your PayPal account or a major credit card. Please click on the “Donate” button below to pay registration or make a donation to the Youth Religious Explorers!



Congregational Meeting

On Sunday, May 6, we will have an important congregational meeting immediately after the worship service. Our Bylaws specify that the Board of Trustees cannot transact any business without either the President or President Elect being present at meetings. With the recent vacancy of both of these offices, we must fill the open positions for the remainder of this fiscal year. The Nominating Committee… more

Faith Cafe – Meaning in Music

~Faith Café ~

Please join us as we begin our first Faith Café

~ Pizza & Salad~

Thursday, May 3 at 6 pm.

Please RSVP~


Faith Cafe is as an opportunity for all of us, to join and explore the meaning of this faith through food, fellowship, and FUN. We’ll meet for 2 hours, the 1st Thursday… more

Public Forum – Aiken Interfaith Partners

Aiken Interfaith Partners is hosting a public forum on Sunday afternoon, April 29, 2018 at the Odell Weeks Center in Aiken. The topic will be the principles of several different religions regarding care for the environment. The forum will start at 2 PM and last about 2 hours.

 … more

New Chalice Group Forming – Spring 2018

All Are Welcome

New Chalice Group Forming

Please contact Julie to help choose a date & time to begin our journey together.

A Chalice Group is a small covenant group consisting of friends and members of our church whose understanding and

companionship supports our journey … more

Connections Around Community and Homelessness

The Social Justice and Green Sanctuary Teams recently remodeled the keyhole garden, using the materials to create multiple rectangular raised beds to expand the growing potential of the gardens. This new format will allow AUUC to grow more vegetables to support real food for the homeless in our community.

Would you like to help feed the hungry?

Do you love to garden?


Join the Social Justice… more

Youth RE MeetUp – Circle of Life

Check out this Meetup with Youth Religious Explorers, Aiken UU Church:



What’s something that ALL religions celebrate? The Circle of Life!

We’ll learn some amazing ways WATER nurtures all living things,
We’ll begin a new growing cycle by planting seeds
We’ll plan ways to share our garden

Please bring an egg carton.… more