
Racial Diversity Church-wide Reading Discussion Groups

 Many leaders, members and friends of this congregation joined last spring in making a commitment to keep the study of racial diversity and cultural bias central and ongoing in our communitybspiritual practice. To that end, everyone was invited to read Centering edited by Mitra Rahnema.
Centering –book discussion Group #1 Saturday Oct 20, 2018- 10am
RSVP Brunch RSVP to

Meditation Class Canceled on Oct 16 and 23

Meditation is temporarily canceled on these dates:
Tues Oct 16
Tues Oct 23
Meditation Class resumes Tues Oct 30, at the usual time – 3:30 – 5:00
Raja Yoga Meditation
Raja Yoga Meditation group will meet every Tuesday, beginning August 14th. Taught by Dr. Kanishtha Agarwal, MD,PhD who has been a Brahma Kumaris practitioner of Raja Yoga for 17 years and specialist in meditation for

Dec 9, 2018 Story Swap—Sexual Assault and Gender Oppression

I am looking for a few brave women to share their stories of survival. I am asking participants to write a brief reflection of how sexual assault has impacted their lives. I will weave these stories into a worship service asking participants to read each other’s stories. Leading up to the worship service, we will have two or three meetings to process our feelings about our stories and to formulate

A Call to Veterans and their Families

On Veteran’s Day, Sunday Nov 11th, we will be recognizing the sacrifices made by members of our country’s armed forces and their families. If you would be willing to share a short reflection about your experience in the military or the legacy of a close family member, please contact me. I will be weaving this reflections into a worship service. I look forward to adding your voice to this special service.

Social Justice and League of Women Voters in October 2018

The Social Justice Committee has partnered with the League of Women Voters of the CSRA to promote voter registration, voter education, and get out the vote activities. Upcoming events include:
OCT 13 Vote Smart Facts Matter Tour – October 13 from 1-3 at the Augusta Richmond County Main Library on Telfair Street – Hosted by the League of Women Voters of the CSRA. Richard Kimball,

Art at the Center – In the News!

AUUC joined our friends at the NAACP for Art at the Center: Defeat Hate.

We are grateful for our connections with Dr. Melencia Johnson and all of our friends at the NAACP! Thank you for offering our community a chance to learn and have fun while showing support for Aiken’s African-American Excellence!

You can read more in the article on the Aiken Standard website!

If you missed this event, … more