
Where Will You Put That Love?

Considering connection vs purity. How often do religious people, including ourselves in our own way, demand a certain orthodoxy from people and cut them out instead of reaching out in a nondualistic way for connection.… more

Oct 21 – Where are the Lines?

Rev. Debra will be in the pulpit this morning. She plans to take on the question of how we honor the individual while moving the collective forward. This service will include a
New Member Ceremony.… more

Oct 14 – Purpose of Society

Rev. Debra with the help of Dr. Who will examine the purpose of society and how we are living up to the aspirations of “the Dr.”… more

NAACP 100th Anniversary

This weekend we celebrate the 100 year Anniversary of the NAACP here in Aiken. This morning let’s explore the Unitarian Universalist relationship to the NAACP historically and now.… more


Come today, bring your gathered waters and stones, bring the stories of your life, come share your experiences over the summer and your moments of ministry. Step into the paradox of individuality and the connection of every person and thing.… more

Lynching in the United States

Can facing the horrific national sins of lynching and violence against people of color help us move forward toward racial harmony?… more

Sacred Conversations

Can such a diverse community of faith as ourselves effectively craft a shared vision for our future?… more

The Science and Spirituality of Connection

We have been conditioned to believe that the world outside of us is more real than the world inside us and that our external world determines our internal world. This has led a deep sense of disconnectedness and a perpetual state of stress within us as we make futile attempts to keep up with the changes in the external world!… more

Our Need for Nurture

One of life’s great quests is to find places we can come together as friends, companions, parents and children, sisters and brothers; in all our relationships. How can we make profound connections? Often, we look around and only see ways in which we are different. This Mother’s Day, let’s look at our common need for connection, nurture and love.… more