Rev. Debra Guthrie-Joyce

Rev. Deb – My Journey Now

I used to sing an old Pentecostal song, “I wouldn’t take nothing for my journey now.” The root meaning of the song called us to question our life’s journey. Where have we come from? What have we learned? Still struggle with?… As we begin a new church year, we will explore these questions as a group and on this Sunday morning we will have the opportunity to explore them as individuals.… more

Ever Willing

Rev. Deb returns to the pulpit with a message straight from the 2023 General Assembly of the congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association. “Ever Willing” from the Sunday worship service asks the continuous question—What must we do to become the people needed to comfort our people and heal our world?… more

Liminal Spaces

As we come to the end of another church year we generally slow down and park for the summer. How can we use this time of idling to enhance our readiness to rev-up again in Fall? This will be a traditional sending out service. Don’t know what that means—I will tell you at the service.… more

Technical and Adaptive Changes

There is an issue that pops up frequently in churches. It pops up when we finally realize we need to change something. Upon realizing this, people begin to think of relatively easy things that can be done to “fix it”. Make a rule or a policy, write a welcoming statement, change the bathrooms to unisex. What if all these things don’t work and we are still having the same issue. What then?… more

Memorial Day

This day before Memorial Day, we will honor those who have served and sacrificed in the U.S. military. It will be a service rich in story and in ritual. I invite everyone to bring a picture or a me- mento of their family members who have served in the military. We will hold space to share stories of our family members as well.… more

Congregational Polity

On this High-Holy day of Unitarian Universalism, as in previous years, I present stories and examples in UU history that emphasize the beauty and the downfall of Congregational Polity. As Winston Churchill said of democracy “it is the worst way of governing a nation (a church) except for all the rest.”… more

Help Yourself to Some Free Stuff

Inspired by a story in Braiding Sweet Grass by Robin Wall Kimmer, I will explore the customs and tendencies of human beings around the idea of economies based on sharing versus profit. How might our ingrained Western capitalism have spoiled us to the beauty of bounty.… more

Bless our Mother

As the effects of climate change are becoming more and more deadly and the fate of our environment is tenuous, is there any message that can keep us hopeful as we advocate for strong measures to reverse the devastation of the planet.… more


What can non-Christians glean from this most sacred of Christian holy days? Service will be followed by an Easter egg hunt for the children and brunch. Please bring a brunch appropriate dish or beverage to share.… more