Rev. Debra Guthrie


Life begins when you get back up. This is a big day for the congregation, a new start. Not only will we elect an interim president, we will explore a new system for programs and governance at the Committee on Shared Ministry picnic. This message will be informed by transcendent ideas inherent in starting over and rebuilding. I hope you join us.… more

Earth Day

On Earth Day morning join us for a worship service that will invite you to sing, to celebrate the wondrous gifts of our planet and to move into shared spaces. Come together this morning to seek connection in concern for our natural resources, to seek connection in an intentional community of people “who may not think alike, but who are striving to love alike.”… more


Rev. Debra will be in the pulpit with an Easter related message. We are planning to have our traditional Easter Sunday breakfast before church and an Easter egg hunt for the children.

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Palm Sunday

Rev Debra Guthrie will be in the pulpit and will deliver a Palm Sunday related message.… more


Rev. Debra Guthrie is building a mystery!… more

Right Relations

Rev. Debra and Julie team up on this first part of a two part series dealing with how we deal with each other and the wonders of living in community. Let’s unleash the transformational power of liberal religion.

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Drop by Drop, Growing for Service

Stewardship Kick-off. Rev. Debra will present a rousing inspiring worship experience that will touch you deeply and leave you with a warm glow in your heart like E.T. I hope.

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The Road to Ministry and Ordination

Debra will explore and present the journey to professional ministry and the on-going demands of ministry, including her personal story and the spiritual implications of this wondrous profession.

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Dr. Martin Luther King, JR

Debra Guthrie and the AUUC youth present an

intergenerational celebration of the life of a

great American hero.

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Innovative leadership

While we have been distracted by a hostile political climate and the dramatics of the media; the business world and some not-for-profits are quietly revolutionizing what it means to be an effective and innovative leader.… more