Getting Good at Doing it Badly
“If it’s worth doing; it’s worth doing right.” What would it bring to our lives to rethink this bit of cultural cannon and strive to embrace whole-heartedly, proudly, and joyfully doing things badly?… more
“If it’s worth doing; it’s worth doing right.” What would it bring to our lives to rethink this bit of cultural cannon and strive to embrace whole-heartedly, proudly, and joyfully doing things badly?… more
On this the first day of our annual pledge drive, I will be exploring the idea of amplifying your core values in the world. Is this something we see as a function of the church? Is it important for you personally that you see our core values reflected in the church, in the things we do among us and in the world?… more
The Soul Matters curriculum where I sometimes go for sermon and spirit inspiration offers the idea of transformation for this month’s worship and RE, but recent conversations have left me a little uneasy when speaking to transformation. This week I’ll explore what I mean by that statement. After the service, we will have a State of Our Ministry meeting.… more
…guideposts in a changing world. Sam Dack, Member and Past President x2, AUUC reflects on challenges faced by our ancestors – how might WE choose to prepare for the immense challenges facing us? (We are the ancestors that future generations will look back upon in the ages to come.)… more
We have all heard people say “love it or leave it” in reference to our country especially if you bring up anything that might need changing. But is that really a good policy? To just quit if things aren’t going your way. I don’t think it is good for your personal relationships, your church community or your country. I have a long history of quitting but I am now a strong advocate for staying.… more
This week we will be hosting Robbie Dent – Lutheran Services, he will present a foster parenting story and be available for questions. Mr. Dent is interested in speaking to LGBTQ folks about fostering children. So if you are a part of that community please come and listen to what he has to say.… more
It has been cold this winter. Many parts of the country have experienced record cold, ice and snow. As we watch the effects of global warming through these record-breaking weather phenomenon, what are some of the emotions it brings? This Sunday I will seek transcendent meaning in the change of temperature and of season.… more
We welcome back three amazing young adults who grew up in our children’s religious exploration program to share their experience and reflect on ways our congregation has touched their lives.… more
I’ve just turned 70 and the realization of impermanence and mortality is becoming a real thing. A deep dive into Buddhism’s “Three Unsurpassed Truths”: 1) You will certainly die; 2) You don’t know when or how; 3) What are you going to do about it?… more
Our guest in the pulpit, Jayden Broughton, Vice-President Aiken NAACP Youth Council, is a sophomore at South Aiken High, a CPO in ROTC, a versatile baseball player, and outreach Coordinator for CSRA Success Team. Jayden plans to major in journalism and mass communication.… more