
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

The Jewish High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur bracket this Sunday in celebration and forgiveness. With sacred music from Michael Sasnow and Wendy Russell.… more

The UU Commitment to Justice

Rev. Nathan Woodliff-Stanley, Executive Director of SCUUJA, Affiliated Community Minister with the Unitarian Universalist Church in Charleston, SC.
Rev. Woodliff-Stanley has dedicated his professional ministry in service to nonprofit and religious organizations that walk the talk of our Seven UU Principles and center on Love.… more

Tribute to Labor Day with Sam Dack

Our very own AUUC folk historian and musician brings us the history of Labor Day in song and story. Join us for this special tribute to the men and women of the American Labor Movement, who have helped secure our democracy by sacrifice and commitment to the common good.… more

Congregational Polity and Finance?

Ever wonder how we, Unitarian Universalists, figured out how to manage our congregations and association? The way we do things is “counter cultural”… and yes, we’re going to talk about money from the pulpit. Money and the “crooked tree” it supports.… more


In this church we usually talk about the inherent worth and dignity of every person. But that in no way means that everyone is perfect. Many of us might feel the pressure to be perfect in some situations, some people might feel like that have to be perfect all the time. It is impossible. Humans are flawed, broken. Today lets explore the ways we are broken and allow ourselves to be, just be.… more

Let’s Talk About TED

Correction, let’s talk about TED talks. This week’s message is formed from the seeds of four TED talks whose messages have been referred to as poignant. The subjects are what does it mean to be human, the importance of connection, the danger of silence, and how can we reach out to “the other.”… more


Over the course of our lives our fears change. Today’s service will be about fear in general and specifically what are the fears we face as we age. None of us are getting any younger so what exactly are the things we are afraid of and are there justifications for those fears.… more