Living with Article II

How has the passing of Article II changed us? If you remember, the proposal was quite controversial when we talked about it last spring with many people opposing the changes. How does it feel now? The service will be followed by a State of Our Ministry Meeting.

Vision and Manifestation

Logically the idea that we can think and speak things into existence might take us directly to the idea of the prosperity Gospels. Where is the line that separates the two and how can these ideas help us serve our world and build the Beloved Community?

Am I an Anarchist?

This week Rev. Deb teams up with El Hambright to present this companion message to the recent question — Am I a Marxist? We will explore the parts of Anarchy we can readily embrace and ask the question – what are the drawbacks?

Continuing the work of Martin Luther King Jr.

Bradley Peterson, Aiken NAACP Youth Council: “If love lives inside everyone, it dies with no one.” Please join us in worship to honor the life and work of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King.