The Road to Ministry and Ordination
Debra will explore and present the journey to professional ministry and the on-going demands of ministry, including her personal story and the spiritual implications of this wondrous profession.
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Debra will explore and present the journey to professional ministry and the on-going demands of ministry, including her personal story and the spiritual implications of this wondrous profession.
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Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday are the most sacred days of the Christian Liturgical year. While many Unitarian Universalist churches and ministers choose to ignore or supplant these holy days, I feel a little differently. On these two Sundays, I intend to look closely at Christian interpretation of these events in the life of Jesus and offer to the congregation interpretations in which they can… more
“They” say there are four roles which a minister tries to fill– the four Ps of ministry. Some ministers do better in some categories and not so well in others. As Unitarian Universalist we believe that everyone is a minister; “the priesthood of all believers” as James Luther Adams calls it. This morning let’s look at the four different categories and do a little self- assessment.… more
This morning the mission taskforce will be having its first event in a process that will ask the congregation to look at our mission statement. I have a agreed to craft the service and the sermon to go along with their question, “What makes your spirit soar?” come on to church and see what I come up with—I know I am curious. ~ Debra Guthrie… more