Rev. Debra Guthrie-Joyce

Palm Sunday

Rev. Debra will offer a message grounded in the story of Jesus and Palm Sunday, touching on the Jewish observance of Passover. There will be cake at coffee hour to celebrate the church birthday 04/04 – 19 years.… more

The Next Right Thing

This morning the minister will explore this theme from Disney’s Frozen 2, our intergenerational movie this mouth.… more

From Jefferson to Thoreau

Today the minister will explore the changes in our religious thinking as a movement and as individuals. How can we consider our own journeys without assigning value to beliefs and avoid casting movement as improvement.… more

Homiletics in Conversation

Rev. Deb has often explained her preaching style as “throwing ideas out there” but now she has found there is actually a tradition of and a title for this style of preaching. This Sunday she will present a deeper look at this style and other styles of homiletics.… more

The Hourglass of UU Theology

The weeks Rev. Deb will present a sermon in conversation with UU minster Rev. Mathew Johnson through his book Newborn Barbs. The best way to learn how to talk about the UU faith is to develop and deep and continuous study of the theologies it was built on.… more

My Faith is on Fire

We hear fundamentalist and evangelists say things like this but we rarely hear things like this from UUs. It almost feels like we are embarrassed by our faith. We have a tradition of not proselytizing but does that mean we have to be silent. This week I will seek the best words to emphasize the positive proclamation of our faith.… more

Grounding in Love

In all the roar of theology, eschatology, and liturgy, the draw of faith and the worshiping community is simple: Love. So today we will be kicking off our Month of Love with a sermon entitled “Grounding in Love.”more

Let it go

Rev. Deb returns to the pulpit with reflections on the intergenerational movie night selection Frozen. There will be a meditation in which we will be invited to “Let it Go”. The service will include an imaginary visit from a Hindu god.
I hope you all can join us.… more

Love Feast

We will be celebrating Christmas together this morning with elements from the traditional Moravian Love Feast. This service will not be broadcasted. It will include food, hot beverages and will be very informal. This is an Intergenerational service.… more

Holiday Sing-along

For the first time in three years we will be having one of our favorite services of the year. This service will not be broadcasted on YouTube due to copyright restrictions. Feel free to wear masks. Email me your musical requests:… more