

The Worship Committee is planning and joyful and meaningful service.… more

Is Congregational Polity Worth It?

It is a tradition for me to consider congregational polity on the Sunday of our Annual meeting. This year I would like us to consider if it is really worth it or should we follow others who have consented to be ruled by a hierarchy or fascism.… more

Valuing Mothers: The Cross-Cultural Story

Mother’s Day is a bit like Thanksgiving. We may want the Hallmark story, but that often seems illusory. Explore with me some of the insights we get when we look at motherhood through a different lens.… more

Have We Really Tried, Have We Discerned?

On this Sunday, the day of our Stewardship Finale, we will explore how much of our lives we live without thinking and how much do we really discern. We welcome Paula Goodman as our guest
pianist.… more

Core Values

This Sunday I will bring you the last service on my series on Core Values. This topic ties in with our pledge drive campaign. In the message, I will be exploring the idea of aspirational values. Do we shy away from lofty values out of fear we will not live up to our own expectations? Does it even matter what values if any we hold inside?… more

Earth Day

The Worship Committee will provide a meaningful and welcoming service.… more

Core Values

How do we live out our core values in the world? What do we do when our core values are despised by other people and even outlawed in some places?… more

Homecoming / Anniversary Celebration

Rev. Charlotte Lehman will be our guest speaker. Rev. Charlotte was an original charter member of our church. She then went on to become a UU minister and is now serving the UU church in Manassas VA. The worship service will feature celebratory music and following the service there will be an old-fashioned dinner on the grounds.… more


Easter is a celebration of life, to be more specific the return of life from the frozen soil of winter. The hope that springs eternal in the anticipation of tomorrow and the rising of the sun. As celebrated in Christianity, the return of the Jesus, who was thought to be dead. It is all very loaded, let’s tease some of it apart this Sunday. Service followed by an Easter Egg Hunt for children.… more

Palm Sunday

In this service I will examine the of the Christian observance of Holy Week what do all the parts of Holy Week mean to Christian and what can non-Christians, former Christians and people who follow the teachings of Jesus but who do not worship Jesus take away from these observances. This service will be followed by a presentation from the Building Taskforce.… more