Mining NPR
All of Rev. Deb’s messages this month will revolve around stuff she has heard on NPR, or through podcasts sponsored by NPR. Today’s message will introduce the topic for the month and offer a few examples of inspiring articles.… more
All of Rev. Deb’s messages this month will revolve around stuff she has heard on NPR, or through podcasts sponsored by NPR. Today’s message will introduce the topic for the month and offer a few examples of inspiring articles.… more
Lessons from My Journeys to Haiti with Judy Chamberlain, MD… more
Bear can’t read, of course, or understand language. Yet when a woman reads to him, he feels wonder and joy. It’s critical that struggling children can learn the skills that Bear lacks and perhaps, someday, read to him.… more
Discussion regarding the simple foundation of pastoral care.… more
Exploring the spirituality of stewardship for a vision.… more
Rev. Guthrie’s Birthday Sermon
On her Birthday Rev. Deb will talk about some lessons she has learned since becoming a UU.… more
It’s not just about “Do you hear what I hear?” Every second we are bombarded with a universe of sounds and words. In the complicated process of living our lives, how we listen could possibly be more important to shaping ourselves and our world than even the original intent of the speaker.… more
Kimberly Morris, an active member of the Youth Wing of the Aiken Branch of the NAACP will speak to continuing the legacy of the Reverend Dr. King.… more
Being nominated to attend the Southern UU Leadership Conference was a privilege. Leadership can be a daunting call; especially saying “yes” without knowing all the details. Join us as we share some of the lessons learned, doors opened, and journeys expanded.… more
Intentions are the starting point of every dream. It is the creative power that fulfills all of our needs, whether for money, relationships, spiritual awakening or love. Join us for an hour of inspiration with rhythmic meditations, songs and a special message.… more