
AUUC Seeking Applications for Youth Religious Exploration (RE) Coordinator

The Aiken Unitarian Universalist Church is looking for the services of a Youth RE Coordinator who would be responsible for facilitating the ongoing design, development, and evaluation of the Aiken UU Youth RE Program. The ministry of the Program shall be guided by the Aiken UU Church.
Qualifications for the position include a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent background and a successful

Deck the Halls!

2:00 on the 23rd
Join us to decorate the sanctuary for our Christmas Eve celebration! Gift us your presence as we hang fresh greenery to make the church festive for the holiday with AUUC!

Coming this winter! Adult RE

Evensong song~ A Four week exploration:
In this Evensong deepening group, participants will explore individual life journeys through sharing thoughts, experiences, doubts, and current beliefs. We will meet for sessions lasting 2 hours at AUUC. The meeting dates and times will be determined when the group is set up. Please email Julie at AdultRE
Parents, are you interested in a 4 week small

Beauty in the Garden

Picture of purple beauty berries
     Thomas Brandner brings us not only these lovely plants, but a lifetime of plant knowledge. Here is what he can tell us about Beauty Berries (Callicarpa americana)
       The two plants in our garden were propagated from parent plants near Thomas’s pond. It is easy to grow these plants in South Carolina because they are native to the area and thrive in every possible condition. Of all the plants that

RSVP for Inspiration Tea 2017

Women’s Leadership Council’s Inspiration Tea –
Please RSVP at the number below.
Join us for the 2nd Annual Women’s Leadership Council’s Inspiration Tea to benefit homeless women and children in Aiken County. The Tea will be held on November 30th at the Aiken Electric Cooperative’s Community Room*
from Noon – 2:00 PM.
WLC asks that attendees of

Silent Auction 2017 Raises $1475 for Homeless in Aiken!

“Silent Auction for our
AUUC Homeless Projects”
We raised…$1475.00! Amazing!
We would like to thank ALL of our wonderful volunteers who helped to make this such a huge success! So many hands, helped to make it a grand experience! We also want to thank ALL of you who donated your treasures! Again, thank you for such generosity! And, we want to thank ALL of the shoppers! Without You, we really

Finger Foods Potluck – November 12, 2017

Finger Foods Only Potluck! November 12th!
Thumbs up for yummy foods, no utensils. When? Sunday November 12th
immediately following service while the Silent Auction set up magically happens.
Relax a minute and enjoy good fellowship before the auction opens for bids.
Remember how much fun that was last year!