
Amazing Grace – A Religious Humanist View

Amazing Grace is perhaps the most beloved Christian hymn.  Bill Moyers did an hour long special on PBS about it.  Andy will share his understanding of grace through several stories of moments of “grace” in his and his wife’s life.… more


Life begins when you get back up. This is a big day for the congregation, a new start. Not only will we elect an interim president, we will explore a new system for programs and governance at the Committee on Shared Ministry picnic. This message will be informed by transcendent ideas inherent in starting over and rebuilding. I hope you join us.… more

Shifting Times: Challenges and Opportunities on our T.R.I.P. together

LaRahna and Renee will explore our shifting times based on the work of author Joel Barker as explained in Paradigms:  The Business of Discovering the Future.   They will explore the concepts of Shifters, Pioneers and Settlers.  How does understanding these concepts help us to understand ourselves during these shifting times?  This past July, Renee invited the congregation to join her on … more


Rev. Debra Guthrie is building a mystery!… more

The Road to Ministry and Ordination

Debra will explore and present the journey to professional ministry and the on-going demands of ministry, including her personal story and the spiritual implications of this wondrous profession.

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Compassion in Covenant: Healing Hearts

Medical studies show practicing compassion improves immunity and blood flow in our physical hearts, while resentment and depression reverse these positive affects, crimping blood flow and making us more vulnerable to infection. We invite you to consider a compassion practice as one of your resolutions for 2018. (Suggestions provided!)

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Transgender Remembrance

How does our faith call us to advocate for the special population of people who are gender non-conforming or transgender?

On this Sunday before Transgender Remembrance Day we gather in sacred community to shed light on the struggles of this targeted community.… more

The Beauty Bias

Society’s bias toward those considered physically attractive is well documented as is discrimination against those deemed unattractive. In this service, Sandy Hochel will discuss how pervasive and powerful this bias is and how we may unintentionally reinforce our society’s obsession with beauty.… more