Naomi Frost-Hewitt

“If You Take These Ideas Seriously, They Will Change Your Life.” (Harvard Professor Michael Pruitt)

Professor Pruitt makes this promise every year to the
hundreds of Harvard students enrolled in his course on
ancient Chinese philosophy–the third most popular
course at that university, after introductory economics
and computer science. According to co-author Christine
Gross-Loh in their best-selling book, THE PATH,
these Chinese thinkers and teachers, “offer a fresh
perspective… more

Kindness and Kinship: Living the Platinum Rule

How may we practice “the fragile art of hospitality” even as we “hold the whole world in our hands”? (Quoted From William Shultz, past president UUA, past director Amnesty International, current director UUSC.)… more

Compassion in Covenant: Healing Hearts

Medical studies show practicing compassion improves immunity and blood flow in our physical hearts, while resentment and depression reverse these positive affects, crimping blood flow and making us more vulnerable to infection. We invite you to consider a compassion practice as one of your resolutions for 2018. (Suggestions provided!)

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