Kathy Hall


It’s not just about “Do you hear what I hear?” Every second we are bombarded with a universe of sounds and words. In the complicated process of living our lives, how we listen could possibly be more important to shaping ourselves and our world than even the original intent of the speaker.… more

Spiritual Intentions for the Coming New year

Intentions are the starting point of every dream. It is the creative power that fulfills all of our needs, whether for money, relationships, spiritual awakening or love. Join us for an hour of inspiration with rhythmic meditations, songs and a special message.… more

The Toolbox

Ever been “up a creek without a paddle?”… more

Rat Park

We all know that connection is an important aspect of being UU. I will be sharing some scientific findings of the importance of connection and share some of my personal connection journey.

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Simplicity & Mindfulness

Our own member, Kathy Hall, shares her story: “The Life Changing Magic…” of my first year being an Aiken Unitarian Universalist.… more