
Am I an Anarchist?

This week Rev. Deb teams up with El Hambright to present this companion message to the recent question — Am I a Marxist? We will explore the parts of Anarchy we can readily embrace and ask the question – what are the drawbacks?… more

Continuing the work of Martin Luther King Jr.

Bradley Peterson, Aiken NAACP Youth Council: “If love lives inside everyone, it dies with no one.” Please join us in worship to honor the life and work of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King.… more

Resistance is Futile—or is it?

Like the Starfleet commanders, we are facing our own breed of the Borg as the new administration takes office. It is not the artificial augmentation of humans with mechanical parts we fear but the United States version of austerity, which we have seen throw Europe into chaos.… more

Last Night of Yule

We have reached the ending of the Yule season, and now is our time to reflect on the past, center ourselves in the present, and vision our new year. Whether we celebrate Twelfth Night, or are simply relieved that the holidays are over, we can look forward to lengthening days and the coming of spring.… more

Lessons and Carols…

featuring David Brown and the Principle Singers will bring you an updated version of our traditional Christmas Eve service. The service includes the story of Christmas as told in the Bible in conversation with Rev. Debra’s theological interpretation and a number of hymns. This year the choir is also preparing a new anthem. Cookies and hot apple cider will be served after the service.… more

Holiday Sing-along

Rev. Debra and the Musicians featuring David Brown bring you another of our favorite traditions, the Holiday Sing-along. Please let me know your favorite holiday song so we can include it in the program. This Sunday includes a time for all ages.… more

The Christmas Truce

This Sunday’s service will feature a dramatic reading from Suzanne and the Aiken UU players. I will attempt to frame the skit in the service to make it meaning for us in this time.… more

Forced Smiles

The holidays hold a lot of sorrow for many people no matter what their religious beliefs. How can we hold that sadness in our spiritual community while allowing room for many to celebrate the season of hope? This Sunday includes a time for all ages.… more

No Original Winter Celebrations

This week I will trace the roots of our current Christmas rituals to their Pagan roots. I will be seeking the spiritual common denominator for us during this time of year.… more