Social Justice Projects
In order to achieve our mission to foster compassion, kindness and love through service that builds relationships and empowers action within our congregation, our community, and our world, we engage in many projects which vary from time to time. Below are some of our current endeavors.
- Support the local PFLAG organization, which was spearheaded in 2011 by the Social Justice Committee.
- Build relationships with our local NAACP and partner with them in some activities.
- Participate in the local Black History Parade and Earth Day events.
- Participate in Kiva, an international non-profit micro-lending organization whose mission is “to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty.”
- Have a Blessing Box on church grounds to help provide food to the needy.
- Were the first congregation in Aiken to sign as a host with Family Promise.
- Have several projects to help the homeless: we are active in the Aiken County Homeless Coalition and their programs, and we regularly make sandwiches for another homeless ministry.
- Promote Green Sanctuary principles by providing a Mother Earth moment in church services and writing articles in the newsletter.
- Designate a local charity each quarter to receive 25% of the cash donations from the Sunday collections.