Faith Cafe~ Food, Fellowship and Fun
Date(s) - 04/01/2021
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Aiken UU Church - Sanctuary
Categories No Categories
~Faith Café ~
Please join us as we begin our first Faith Café ~ Pizza & Salad~ Thursday, May 3 at 6 pm.
*Please RSVP~ * In order to plan and coordinate our yummy dinner.
Faith Cafe is as an opportunity for all of us, to join and explore the meaning of this faith through Food, Fellowship, and FUN. We’ll meet for 2 hours, the 1st Thursday of each month. The format and programs will originate from our UU Small Group ministry. For our first gathering, Adult Religious Exploration will provide the meal. We can then decide how we may want to share this time of food, fellowship and fun.